Summer Audition/Recruitment Night


Thanks to all who came out to our Summer Audition/Recruitment night on Tuesday, July 23rd!
It was great to welcome some wonderful singers who ALL seemed excited for an opportunity to join the chorus!

We had 4 first time guests and 5 former members on the risers with us. 
The night involved voice placements for new guests. Singing a couple of songs from our 50th Anniversary show with the guests reading along. We learned a new song in sectionals and then came together to sing it for the first time as a chorus!Chorus with guests rehearsing on the risers at Audition Night. Guests are holding yellow guest folders

People stuck around for over an hour after rehearsal singing tags and getting to know one another!  Some of that might be blamed on the pizza or the huge thunderstorm outside, but I'd like to think it was the fellowship and fun atmosphere!

Some comments from guests:
"My first time. Everyone there was so nice to me. So welcoming and kind. I’m still riding on the high of joy from the experience." ~ Diane via Facebook
We had a great time!! Great night of singing, I miss these guys!!" ~ Rodney via Facebook
"It was a fun night." ~ Steve via Facebook
"Thank you for having me! I'm excited to join next week!" ~ Zion
"It was a great time and what a great chorus!" ~ Riley
"My heart was opened." ~ Diane

Membership in the Barbergators is open to all.  
Who do you know who might enjoy singing in a group like ours?  Hmmm??
If you missed Audition/Recruitment night, join us any Tuesday at 7pm!