Holiday Harmonies to Support Stop Children's Cancer
The Barbergators Chorus and Gainesville Harmony Show Chorus are proud to announce that Stop Children's Cancer will be our charity partner for Holiday Harmonies XI.
Stop Children's Cancer is a Gainesville based charitable foundation that is committed to the prevention, control, and cure of childhood cancers. They began in 1981 when a 10-year-old cancer patient, Bonnie Freeman, said she wanted to help kids with cancer. After she lost her battle with cancer, her family continued her quest by founding Stop Children's Cancer. To date, Stop Children's Cancer has raised over $23 million dollars for cancer research, treatment, clinical trials, and research scholars.
You can donate in conjunction with our show by donating here: https://stopchildrenscancer.
The Barbergators and GHSC started a tradition of using our shows to raise funds for local charities in several years ago. And the Barbergators renewed that mission with our holiday show in 2021, our first concert after COVID started. Past charities we've supported have been Grace Marketplace, Helping Hands Clinic, Santa Fe College's Bridge scholarships for veterans, and Stop Children's Cancer.
We hope you can join us for Holiday Harmonies XI, but if not, we encourage you to donate to Stop Children's Cancer using the link, above.