Tuesday, April 10th 2025 Donations will be accepted to benefit ACPC Honor Choir. |
What is SongFest?
SongFest is a free festival and concert featuring a-cappella groups and choral groups in the Gainesville, FL area. It’s an opportunity for choral groups to come together, perform, celebrate singing, celebrate each other, discover each other, and to foster relationships and collaboration. It’s an opportunity for the public to discover singing groups and styles that they did not know about. And, it’s an opportunity for singers to discover ensembles they may be interested in joining.
SongFest is also fundraiser for the Alachua County Public Schools (ACPS) Honor Choir program. We will be accepting donations at the door to benefit the ACPS Honor Choir. The ACPS Honor Choir was revived eight years ago (2016-2017 school year) under the leadership of Ms. Diana Rollo. Students are selected for the Honor Choir by their teachers. Honor Choir provides students to experience an elite, large choir experience as a reward for efforts during the year. Funds raised from SongFest will go toward the purchase of music, folders, and other supplies for this county-wide program.
What is it NOT?
SongFest is not a competition. SongFest it non-adjudicated. It is truly an opportunity to celebrate the human voice.
When? Where?
When: Thursday, April 10, 2025 at 7pm
Where: First United Methodist Church, 419 NE 1st St, Gainesville, FL 32601
Why SongFest?
The Barbergators are fortunate to have members who participate in other ensembles and in community theater here in the Gainesville area. Part of our mission is to support and encourage music in our community. SongFest is an opportunity for singers to discover other styles and flavors of choral singing available to them here in the community. We believe that collaboration and mutual support is vital for the health of the arts.
SongFest is an opportunity for both singers and the public to discover the many ways one can be involved in singing throughout their lifetimes. We truly believe that singing should be a lifelong activity.
How do we participate?
If your chorus/choir/ensemble would like to participate, please contact us. We’d love to include you! Contact us at [email protected]
Each ensemble will be asked to sing a two song set showcasing their talents.
The order of appearance will be randomly determined on stage by literally drawing names from a hat on the night of the performance. Come, join the audience, enjoy the other ensembles, and perform when your name is pulled from the hat!
Who will be there?
At SongFest, you’ll get to hear:
- The Barbergators Chorus (your hosts)
- Additional groups to be announced!
History of SongFest...
In 2012, with the 75th anniversary of the Barbershop Harmony Society and the 40th anniversary of the Barbergators Chorus looming, the Barbergators leadership pondered how to celebrate properly. The Barbergators had been wanting to create relationships and collaborations with other choirs, so we decided rent a hall and invite everyone for a special guest night. …a guest night that quickly became a festival of singing …a Songfest.
We reached out to every a cappella group we could find in the Gainesville area, UF choirs, UF student a cappella groups, barbershop singers, community choirs, and to our surprise and elation, almost all of them said “yes”. On April 8, 2013, in PK Yonge’s auditorium, a total of 10 choruses, quartets, and small ensembles performed two songs each in a glorious concert of community singing.
In 2014, we did it again at Grace Presbyterian Church. It was a smaller but very intimate venue.
In 2018, The Barbergators, again wanting to reach out and develop relationships with schools and singers in the community decided to do it again. This time as a larger, more public focused event, and to raise funds for music in our schools.
In 2020...well we know what happened in 2020 and after a hiatus, SongFest is back!
All proceeds from SongFest 2025 are going to the ACPS Honor Choir program.
Donations will be accepted at the door on April 10th.
You can also donate below.